I'm going to share some of the great things I got to hear and see in my professional development meeting!
Sometimes students struggle choosing books. They will either choose something too easy or too hard. In addition to the Goldilocks rule (Too hard, too easy, just right), I think I'd like to use the IPICK method next year.
Courtesy of Ms. Peterson, 1st grade, we got to see a video of an IPICK rap for the kids to remember all of the pieces to choosing a good book. Enjoy!
She also had her students help make anchor charts for her classroom. (3rd grade, Ms. Labar)
I think that's a great idea if I teach upper grades again someday!
Word work: I still have some students that are struggling with vowel sounds and patterns so I created a new word work station for those students to practice matching and recognizing similar vowel sounds. There are four words with the same vowel sound and they have to match them together. There are also words on the back for an added challenge. I think they'll really like getting to manipulate these puzzle pieces. :)
The teacher leaders provided us with a format to help students work on opinion writing which is a part of the core standards. I haven't had a chance to scan the original, but if you contact me I can get that scanned and email it to you.
I had the students write an opinion paragraph about a book in their leveled book bag (each student has 4 books at their F&P level that are swapped out each week).
MAP testing
I am so proud of our class! We have only done the reading MAP test so far, but with three students still left to test, we have managed to exceed the district improvement goal (stating 55% of the class must reach growth goal). So far we are at 76% and as I am beginning to wrap up Fountas and Pinnel testing, I am confident my class will meet or exceed the district goal to have 70% of students at level M by the end of the year.
Classroom Library
While I do already have my books in my library sorted by genre, I want to have at least part of my library sorted by F&P level. So I have started to collect cereal boxes for my containers! I will need to paint or cover the boxes and label them. This is my summer goal and I've posted it on my blog so I can be held accountable! Look for a finished product to be posted over the summer.