In addition to pinning like crazy on pinterest--you should probably be following me :D, I have also been making lots of things!
Indoor Recess
Many of my indoor recess games didn't survive the year--including my Bopit! (I know! I thought those things were indestructible!)-- so I decided to try to prepare more things for this coming year's recess!
I made this Musical Twister game in college using fabric, felt, markers and a hot glue gun! I originally had a different spinner, but it wasn't heavy duty enough. That's why I've made new spinners! I'm hoping cardboard should be sturdy enough... time will tell!
My original storage box was an unused pizza box that I decorated, but I may need to upgrade to something plastic--we'll see what I come up with!
I'm glad I was able to touch up the marker and make new spinners because the kids LOVED playing musical twister last year :)
I saw this idea on pinterest-- to have students fill out a chart when they do not turn in homework. Here are some pictures of what I've come up with and here is a link if you want to have a copy for your classroom. Just click here.
Any suggestions?
Classroom Library
As I hinted in the last post, I have started working on creating labels for my classroom library. I know that's not really that exciting, but I found a good template for typing out labels for a library or for addresses or whatever! You can download it here!
It a FREE download (you just have to sign up and yadda yadda, but no charge!). It is a very slick program with an easy download that you can keep forever on your computer!
Hey girl, just wanted to let you know there is a great site called and I bought an address label stamp and now I just stamp the inside of all my books. If you want more info let me know I'll send it your way! Just thought I would through out another option for ya!