I am back from Ireland and I'm working on packing up for our move, but as always I am trying hard to work on my teaching! My resources and planning are taking a new direction because I've been told that I will be teaching 2nd grade next year! With that in mind, I've mainly been looking for easy printables to get started and I've found some really great blogs that have helped like:
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings and
Serenade to Second Grade. Here are some of the things that I found from their sites that I have printed out to use in my primary classroom!

I thought that this was a great way to have a class reward system--I'm sure that it could work at any grade level, but I thought that it would work especially well for primary grades (2nd grade!). This resource was from
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings.

She included the printable which you can get
here. She also includes an alternative called cookie compliments AND has mystery rewards included in the printable too! I think I will be starting with this at the beginning year for my whole class reward system.

This was a great resource from
Rowdy in Room 300. Since I'll be doing primary grades, I also thought that I should have a better way to track individual progress throughout the day. I love that these kind of charts also allow students to move up rather than just being a consequence. I also really like that this chart is compact! I will most likely change systems as the year goes on (as one system starts to lose effectiveness, sometimes a little mix up is good!).
The printable for all of the cards is
I also found this other resource on
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings to go along with any students who end the day on red--which means a parent contact. The link for this form to be filled out for parents is
I hope you've enjoyed the links! I am very excited to get things rolling for my primary classroom!
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